Lots of fun fabrics

There was a large turnout at the Guild today. I popped in for lunch so may have missed some of the news. I also think I missed a few projects because when I think about who was around the lunch table I don’t think I have that many pictures.

First, congratulations to Barb M one of the big winners of the Rotary Grocery Raffle. I know it is the luck of the draw but I can’t think of anyone more deserving.

Most folks brought their own lunch but a few purchased goodies from upstairs and a couple got take-away. Margie brought her lunch and her beverage was in a very interesting bottle. To our eyes it looked like a sample bottle of whiskey or some other liquor, although she swears it originally contained balsamic vinegar. She was using it for milk. Cathy K had a lovely story about going through an old purse and finding a bottle of Baileys hidden in the bottom – because you never know when you’re going to need it.

After the Baileys story Moreen reminded us that Baileys contains cream and it will go bad. I think the moral of her story was “drink it now”. That got us started on a few other stories of expired items. I’d best go now and check my drawers and cupboards.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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Show and Share – January Business Meeting

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The Tuesday Sandwich Board – January 2, 2024

Happy New Year

Did these people even take a break over the holiday? I’m thankful they didn’t.

Thanks, once again, to Myrt for sharing the photos.

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Even once is too much

December 19, 2023

Compared to last week’s gathering the hall was feeling rather empty today. Chatter at my end of the table was all about Barb M’s misadventures when someone broke into their van, not once but twice in the past week. The quilt that was stolen has been found; here’s hoping she gets back her tote bag, umbrella and the scraper for her windows.

There were still a few Christmas projects being worked on but many of them aren’t intended as finishes for this Christmas – a head start on next year perhaps? Or maybe it was just that the Christmas fabrics and patterns were at hand and easy to bring along.

Just some of the baskets from the party

The Guild Christmas party last week was a lot of fun and the baskets were amazing. There will be a very generous amount donated to our charities – the Salvation Army and the Food Bank. Thanks to all who purchased tickets and congratulations to all who went home with a basket.

No sewing next week (Boxing Day) but Moreen stopped in to say she’d be there on January 2nd for anyone who wanted to join her.


The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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Santa’s helpers are busy

December 12, 2023

Lots of folks were coming and going today – and lots of amazing crafts for sharing. The tree was a bit wobbly but some of the ladies set it to rights. It will be ready for the big party on Thursday.

Thank you to Myrt for giving me some direction on how to get names on the photos. I’ve been using a different camera and I’m learning a few new tricks with it. Not that the photos are any better but … Myrt has also taught me how to find the stats for the blog – now I can see how many are actually reading it and whether or not it needs to continue.

Reminders for the party – hot or cold food for the table and please bring your own serving spoons. You’ll need to bring a plate (a big plate) to hold all the wonderful food, as well as your own cutlery and beverage container. Don’t forget your wallet as the baskets on offer are amazing. Moreen will be collecting $25 for anyone wanting to reserve their spot for the January in-town retreat.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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Show and Share – December Business Meeting

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The Tuesday Sandwich Board – December 5

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The Tuesday Sandwich Board – November 29

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A little of everything – November 21

Lots going on in the room today – Christmas, puppies, practical things, lots of hand stitching and even some new starts. Our morning was interrupted when the fire alarm went off; Sandra J said it was a bonus to have to escape without worrying about thirty little ones (she was a teacher). After the third alarm we were advised that it was all a test, but we still had to listen to a few more alarms before they were done. It was a bonus at the end of the day when we didn’t have to put the tables and chairs away.

Thanks to Myrt for the photos last week and thanks to eagle-eyed Bev for picking up a turned-around HST in Deb’s quilt.

Did you attend any of the many craft fairs this weekend? I heard good reports from all of them. There will be more this weekend, both in town and on Texada. Many of our members have had or will have items for sale.

Our Community Quilts weekend will start at 9 AM on Saturday as we’ve been given the room earlier than the noon start we were expecting. The fun will continue on Sunday. There won’t be any sandwiching happening this weekend so come prepared to sew. There will be a sandwiching weekend coming up sometime in the new year. And, if they are offered, please take a sandwich home to quilt from the last session – they are always needed.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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The Tuesday Sandwich Board – November 14, 2023

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