Tuesday Sandwich Board – March 12

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Show and Share – March 7

It was a mini-quilt show to be sure. Thanks to Myrt for the photos.

I was able to put a name to some of these works of art. If they are yours, please let me know so I can credit you on the photo.

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Tuesday Sandwich Board – March 3

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Tuesday Sandwich Board – February 28

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Tuesday Sandwich Board – February 13

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It isn’t unusual for me to learn something new on these sewing days. There were a lot of hexies in the room today but I already knew that EPP stands for English Paper Piecing. FINE was a new one for me. I didn’t get the full description of the term but I know what the F is for!

We had some visitors today who didn’t stay to sew but it was lovely to see them – Janet, Elaine, Wanda and Janie. Our newest member, Ingrid, brought in her latest quilt top and it is a beauty. Although there was no cake today, we wish Karen a very happy birthday tomorrow. And, there just may be a tentative date for the Haywire Retreat – stay tuned.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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It was a wonderful time

Thanks to Moreen for organizing such a fabulous retreat. And thanks to Blayne and Deb for preparing those beautiful meals. The coffee/tea table was filled to overflowing with treats everyday. After a day full of stitching, pressing, and visiting it was lovely to go home to our own beds (at least most of us went home to our own beds!).

There was so much going on over the four days and I know I haven’t captured anywhere near all of it. I look forward to Show and Share at the meeting on Thursday and, perhaps, many more meetings in the months to come.

Happy Birthday!

We didn’t forget to celebrate Barb M and Amy’s birthdays at our regular Tuesday bee. Kathleen added to our treats with a beautiful birthday cake.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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Tuesday Sandwich Board – January 23

There are always lots of interesting things going on at the bee!

Thanks, as always, to Myrt for the photos.

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Bag Class – January 20

Kathleen, our resident “bag lady”, shared her bag making techniques and participants came out with a lovely big bag. The choice of fabrics is amazing.

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Completion Issues

Wendy admitted today that she has “Completion Issues”. That definitely has a couple of meanings in the quilting world. My thought was that Wendy had a lot of UFOs in her sewing room when, in fact, she says she has none. Once she starts a project she finishes it. How I wish I had followed that path when I started quilting.

The room was relatively empty today. We wish a speedy recovery to those that we know are ill – Sandra J. and Moreen. Gail C is still struggling with her broken foot but Georgie has been a Guardian Angel (according to Gail) and has been helping her in the new shop so that the opening won’t be delayed too long.

Believe it or not I was looking for recommendations for a hair stylist. I’ve never had short hair, curly hair, or thin hair and I needed some help. Thanks to Barb M and Rene I think I have an appointment.

Folks are getting ready for Kathleen’s bag class this weekend. All the slots were filled before today but when two more people dropped in Kathleen added them to the list. Doors will open at 8:30 and Kathleen will start instructing at 9 AM.

I hope you are staying safe and warm (under a quilt?) with all this cold weather.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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