One last time

We thought the rain might bring out a larger crowd but it was the usual suspects that showed up to stitch – and there were some of those missing. Hopefully Sandra J is feeling better soon. Carol W came for lunch and we were glad to have Amy back (briefly) from her travels.

As no one (so far) has come forward to take over the blog this will be the last post. We will keep the site active in case anything changes but it will remain static. Slowly the posts will be archived so we don’t lose the content and the history of our bees.

I have enjoyed the many years that I’ve been responsible for the blog updates. I hope the posts were interesting, if not as informative as they were when Nina was in charge. I don’t think I let any secrets out of the bag but if I did I apologize. I’ll still be attending the Tuesday sessions and meetings but we hope someone else will post photos to Facebook on a regular basis.

Going forward, look for photos on our Facebook page.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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1 Response to One last time

  1. Kathleen O'Malley says:

    Thank-you sherry for doing the blog for so many years. A laugh at quilting and another laugh in the evening reading the post

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