The travellers have returned

It was a full (and noisy) house today at the bee. Lots of members sewing, lots of members coming in to enlarge their collage pictures, and lots stopping in just to visit (and we love that they do that). Donna S stopped in and brought Laura, a visitor from Sechelt. Sandy T dropped in – it is always fun to see her and hear what she’s been up to. As we were finishing up lunch Annie dropped in at her usual time – just past noon. So good to see her.

Bev is back from her winter in Arizona and, of course, she has brought a couple of beautiful finishes with her. Barb M is back from her cruise; it sounds like she and her daughter had a wonderful time.

Georgie and Darlene were getting people ready for the collage class this weekend. There will be some interesting projects coming out of this class.

Antoinette and Carol are relatively new to the bee but not new to the Guild; it was lovely to see them back again. Carol is missing the cord from her sewing machine. It was wrapped inside a toilet roll cover so if you picked it up in error from one of our bees please let her know. Our newest member, Pauline, was also in the house.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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