The Tuesday Sandwich Board – October 31, 2023

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The Tuesday Sandwich Board – October 24, 2023

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An armload of potentials – November 7

Margie was divesting of some of her fabric today and Blayne and Donna D gladly took some of it off her hands – including bags and bags of scraps. That got some of us talking about all the projects (unfinished and not started) in our sewing areas. Blayne says when he goes to the thrift stores he always comes out with an “armload of potentials”. I look forward to seeing what he puts together.

Several folks were working on Christmas projects this week. The Texada Retreaters were finalizing details for our weekend away. When Cathy G cleaned the fuzz out of her machine and had trouble getting the throat plate back in place there was quite a crowd helping her solve the problem. She was back to the races in no time thanks to Kathleen and Sandra J.

There were 17 of us around the table for lunch today – the largest crowd in a long time. Sushi and different flavours from Wild Soup all looked very good. Sandra J brought a tasty pumpkin cake to celebrate November birthdays. We were happy to have Marion joined us for lunch and a visit.

I’m looking for someone who might be interested in taking over the blog postings. It isn’t difficult but I’m finding it hard to keep up with all of the things our members get up to. Let me know if you are interested or have questions.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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Show and Share – November Business Meeting

My apologies for not getting photos of everyone’s projects. I know I missed Blayne’s Hallowe’en ensemble and the photo of Sandra J’s placemats was too blurry.

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The back stories

Everyone was in full agreement that the HAW event was a huge success and a good time was had by all – even those who did not go home a winner. Bins and boxes of “stuff” were being returned and put away; Donna S and Cathy G were busy recycling and off getting refunds throughout the community. It is always fun to hear the stories that come out of these events but I’m not telling any tales here. Kudos to Donna S and her crew for a great day.

There were several in the group that were so taken with the HAW block that they want to make a quilt based on the block. Barb M says it would be so easy to trim up blocks to the right size without losing anything of the pattern. I’ll have to check the block but it may work well with scraps too.

At our end of the table we were pleased to hear about the recycling that goes on at the Economy shop. Almost everything that isn’t sold through the shop is packaged up and sent to a variety of places who are happy to receive them. These spots send money back to the shop so that their cost for garbage is minimal and so much is kept out of the land fill.

It was so nice to have Marion drop in for a short visit. We have a number of members who are under the weather at the moment. This cold and flu season is already taking a toll. Our best wishes to everyone and we hope you are back with us soon.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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Hands Across the Water (2023 edition)

What a lovely day spent with so many quilters. Many thanks to Donna S, Barb M and their crew for all the work they put into the event. Lunch was perfect and it was nice to have a variety of vendors to purchase from. Barb M kept the day moving and many folks (not me) went home with lovely winnings.

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The Tuesday Sandwich Board – October 10, 2023

Thanks to Myrt for the photos.

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The Hive

There was a fabulous turn-out at the bee today and the place was buzzing. Kathleen had a good time on her cruise and she was back in her usual spot this morning. I dropped in for a very short time and with all the visiting going on around all the tables I didn’t get photos of everything.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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Going Somewhere?

It was a busy day at the bee today. If my memory is right there were eleven tables set up and lots of folks coming and going. Jennie and Janet both dropped in; Janet says she’ll be back to sew next week. Deb brought along a new Powell River resident and before the morning was over she was a new member – welcome MaryAnne Walker. We had another MaryAnne join us – MaryAnne Hatch. Eleanor brought along a former Guild member; I’m sorry I didn’t get her name. And Cathy C (or maybe K) was with us for lunch. I don’t have a membership list so I don’t know last names and it’s only luck that I remember first names.

Kathleen is still away enjoying her cruise; I heard Sandra J mention that Kathleen was worried she might lose her spot because she’s been away so long. Don’t worry – you are missed and will be welcomed back. Amy is back home after attending her daughter’s wedding. When she was asked about the day she mentioned hair and make-up appointments, the ceremony and partying. The party must have been good because when she was asked about the food all she could remember was that she ate, not what was served!

It was almost all about luggage tags today. Barb M was finishing up the last of the pre-cut kits when I left. I think that makes 170 in total; Blaine and Amy are the champions for making those buttonholes.

Lunch news wasn’t all fun and games. Around the table there were plenty of stories of close calls on the highways this summer and in previous travels. I hope our members who are currently away will all return safely.

The Tuesday Sandwich Board

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Show and Share – September Business Meeting

It was a great start to the new year of the Guild!

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